nentrium graphics

Website designs for start up businesses

image of me

Hello, I'm Tony

Born in Cosford and by the age four my parents settled in Poynton Cheshire. Educated at Poynton County Secondary School. Following my hobby, I went on to study electronics at Openshaw Technical College, where my first computing experence was in 1976. I spent a duration at the BBC Oxford Road Manchester. After starting at Ferranti in 1979, I built my first computer from a kit and I've not been without one since. I spent 22 years at Ferranti on Poynton Industrial Estate, during which it was also owned by Matra Marconi Space, Astrium and British Aero Space.

While at Ferranti, my interest in computing led me to write an abundance of code on various platforms. CAT / ATE systems (computer aided test / automatic test equipment), using HP 9825 and HP 85 to test products and calibrate test equipment. A small MRP system on an ICL DRS 150 mainframe with DRS 20 terminals written in COBOL. I wrote procedures on how to build and test many of the microwave amplifier products made at the site. During my last 8 years, in a progression in electronics I undertook PCB design using Cadstar, the largest board being over 30cm (12") square, 8 layers with over 1000 parts.

Over the years I have programmed using 6502 machine code & assembler language, Basic, Cobol, Visual Basic, HTML, CSS, Javascript, CGI, PHP, SQL, Java and a few forgotten languages. I have completed many electronic and computer hardware projects over the years.

I am now resident in Benllech on Anglesey, North Wales, where I repair LCD TVs and design websites.